Academic thoughts on immigration – a European kaleidoscope
In 2023, Finland had a total of 5.6 million inhabitants.
The number of people is still relatively stable. While the fertility rate per woman was still 1.75 in 2013, this figure fell to 1.28 in 2023. Influenced by current and expected immigration, however, the population will only fall slightly to 5.56 million in 2033.
With the war in Ukraine, 2022, the influx of foreigners increased significantly to 100,000. In 2023, around 79,000 people immigrated, of which almost 5,400 were asylum seekers and 19,426 applied for temporary protection.
The share of third-country nationals (i.e. non-EU citizens) in the total population rose to 3.9 per cent as at 1 January 2023 (EU: 6.1%).
The general data on population and fertility rate are taken from the United Nations:
The information on immigration comes from the ‘Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023’ and the ‘Annual Report – Finland’:

For insights into perceptions, societal logic, and recommendations based on national experiences, please refer to the interviews below: