Academic thoughts on immigration – a European kaleidoscope
In 2023, Estonia had a population of 1.37 million people.
Despite years of emigration and a low fertility rate – in 2013, for example, it was 1.52 children per woman – the population had risen slightly compared to 2013. However, at a current rate of 1.35, the population is expected to fall by around seven per cent to 1.28 million by 2033.
Two thirds of the population are ethnic Estonians. Within the three Baltic states, Estonia is the country with the largest proportion of third-country nationals (i.e. non-EU citizens) in the total population: a total of 15.6% on 1 January 2023, including mainly Russians and then Ukrainians (EU: 6.1%).
The general data on population and fertility rate are taken from the United Nations:
The information on immigration comes from the ‘Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023’ and the ‘Annual Report – Estonia’:
For insights into perceptions, societal logic, and recommendations based on national experiences, please refer to the interviews below: