Pandemic scar: MEPs ask to address the consequences on mental health of children
MEPs of CULT committee demand to urgently deal with the lasting consequences of COVID-19 closures on children and young people and increase financing for mental health in education. They urge the Member States to substantially increase public spending in education and training to above the EU average (5.00% of GDP in 2020) and invest in improving the mental health services and awareness in schools and promotion of mental health literacy of education personnel.
- Full press release: European Parliament – CULT committee, 13/07/2022
Czech Presidency outlines priorities to EP committees
Ministers are outlining the priorities of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU to parliamentary committees, in a series of meetings. Czechia holds the Presidency of the Council until the end of 2022. A first series of hearings takes place from 11 to 13 July. A second set of hearings will happen during the first week of September. Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Vladimír Balaš focussed in his presentation on digital education, intergenerational dialogue and active support for the European Year of Youth, with a conference on the latter planned for 6 December 2022.
- Full press release: European Parliament – CULT committee, 12/07/2022
France 2030 : 7 Lauréats de l’appel à manifestation d’intérêt “Innovation dans la forme scolaire”
Pap Ndiaye, ministre de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse, et Bruno Bonnell, secrétaire général pour l’investissement annoncent les lauréats de la première vague de l’appel à manifestation d’intérêt “Innovation dans la forme scolaire”. Cet appel a pour ambition de favoriser la transformation de l’enseignement scolaire en finançant des expérimentations permettant de faire évoluer les pratiques et les modes d’organisation, et en créant un réseau national collaboratif de lauréats.
- Pap Ndiaye, Minister of National Education and Youth, and Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment announce the winners of the first wave of the call for expressions of interest “Innovation in school form”.
- Full press release: Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sport, 13/07/2022
Stark-Watzinger: Unser Innovationssystem braucht mehr exzellente Netzwerke
Gewinner der zweiten Runde des Clusters4Future-Wettbewerbs ausgewählt. Die Gewinner der zweiten Runde des Clusters4Future-Wettbewerbs stehen fest. Eine hochkarätige Expertenjury hat aus den Finalisten sieben Gewinner ausgewählt. Dazu erklärt Bundesforschungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger: „Unser Innovationssystem lebt vom schnellen und intensiven Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Dazu braucht es mehr exzellente Netzwerke, die alle relevanten Partner in einer Region verbinden. Die sieben neuen Zukunftscluster werden nun bis zu neun Jahre jeweils mit maximal 45 Millionen Euro vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert. Sie haben uns mit ihren Konzepten überzeugt. Hier treffen vielversprechende Ideen und Pioniergeist aufeinander, um mutig innovative Forschung schneller in die wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Anwendung zu bringen. Sie zeigen visionäres Potenzial und Innovationsfreude in gerade erst aufkeimenden Technologie- und Wissensfeldern, bieten einen Nährboden für Gründungen und denken Aus- und Weiterbildung von Fachkräften gleich mit. So wird aus dem Zusammenspiel in unseren Clustern mehr als die bloße Summe von Einzellösungen. Damit sorgen wir dafür, dass Deutschland auch in Zukunft Innovationsland bleibt.“
- Since 2019, the open-topic Clusters4Future competition has developed into an important instrument in the region-oriented innovation funding of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Winners of the second round of the Clusters4Future competition have been selected.
- Full press release: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 18/07/2022
An 35 Schulen gibt es bereits Unterricht auf Ukrainisch
An Hamburgs Schulen können immer mehr Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund in ihrer Herkunftssprache unterrichtet werden. Derzeit gebe es für zwölf Herkunftssprachen insgesamt 457 Kurse an 125 Standorten, teilte der integrationspolitische Sprecher der SPD-Bürgerschaftsfraktion, Kazim Abaci, am Sonntag mit.
- More and more pupils with a migration background can be taught in their native language at Hamburg’s schools.
- Full article: Welt, 18/07/2022
United Kingdom
New bursaries to help learners to upskill and retrain
As part of the government’s pledge to offer tens of thousands of adults the chance to retrain in later life, gain in-demand skills and open further job opportunities, 22 universities and colleges across England will be offering over 100 short courses to students from this September as part of a 3-year trial. Developed with the help of employers, the courses give learners the flexibility to gain an accredited certificate and valuable skills that can be applied in the work place in key areas.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 15/07/2022
Record numbers of disadvantaged UK students apply for university
Record numbers of disadvantaged students in the UK have applied to go to university this year, according to official figures that also show international recruitment has held up with a surge in applications from Nigeria, India and China. The most striking increase in applications came from students in Nigeria, where there has been a 58% jump in the number seeking to study in the UK, though from a low base. Ucas said it had received 5,290 applications, up from 3,360 in 2021 and 1,670 in 2019. Elsewhere there has been a 20% increase in applications from India and a 10% increase from China with 31,400 applications this year.
- Full article: The Guardian, 14/07/2022
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