Ukraine’s association agreement to Horizon Europe and Euratom Research and Training Programmes enters into force
Today, the agreement associating Ukraine to Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027) and the Euratom Research and Training Programme (2021-2025) entered into force, following its ratification by Ukraine. The Ukrainian research and innovation actors can now fully participate in these programmes on equal terms with entities from the EU Members States.
In view of the ongoing Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the EU’s commitment to offer tangible means of support to the Ukrainian research and innovation community, Ukraine will participate in Horizon Europe and Euratom Programmes without having to contribute financially for years 2021 and 2022. Its waived contribution was estimated at around €20 million.
- Full press release: European Commission 09/06/2022
Publication du classement QS 2023
Comme l’an passé, le classement QS 2023 comprend 32 établissements français. 6 d’entre eux se situent dans le TOP 200 (5 dans le QS 2022), 4 dans le TOP 100 comme le QS 2022 et 2 dans le TOP 50 comme le QS 2022. La France se trouve ainsi en 7e position mondiale dans le TOP 50 du classement (comme dans le QS 2022), derrière les États-Unis, la Grande Bretagne, la Chine, l’Australie, le Canada, Hong Kong et ex-aequo avec le Japon, la Corée du Sud, la Suisse et Singapour.
- Like last year, the QS 2023 ranking includes 32 French establishments. 6 of them are in the TOP 200 (5 in the QS 2022), 4 in the TOP 100 like the QS 2022 and 2 in the TOP 50 like the QS 2022.
- Full press release: Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, 09/06/22
Baccalauréat session 2022
Après deux années fortement perturbées par la crise sanitaire, la session 2022 du baccalauréat témoigne de la transformation du lycée général, technologique et professionnel qui s’est opérée depuis trois ans, afin d’offrir à tous les élèves la possibilité de construire un parcours de réussite qui soit en phase avec leurs goûts et leurs aspirations. Le nouveau baccalauréat général et technologique a pour ambition de préparer les lycéens aux exigences des formations de l’enseignement supérieur : le contrôle continu valorise le travail régulier tout au long de l’année ; les épreuves de spécialités, qui se sont tenues au mois de mai dernier, développent l’expertise et l’excellence des candidats ; l’épreuve écrite de philosophie traduit l’exigence d’une culture académique commune permettant aux jeunes de devenir des citoyens libres et éclairés ; l’épreuve du Grand oral permet de s’exercer à l’argumentation et à la prise de parole en public. Dans la voie professionnelle, la nouvelle organisation des cursus, vers le CAP ou le baccalauréat professionnel, permet davantage l’expression des talents de chacun, notamment grâce à la réalisation des chefs d’œuvre, gage de réussite pour la poursuite d’études ou l’insertion dans le monde professionnel.
- After two years severely disrupted by the health crisis, the 2022 baccalaureate session bears witness to the transformation of the general, technological and vocational high school that has taken place over the past three years, in order to offer all students the possibility of building a course of success that is in tune with their tastes and aspirations.
- Full press release: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 07/06/22
Fin du test d’anglais obligatoire à la fac: «C’était une attaque au plurilinguisme»
Le Conseil d’Etat a annulé mercredi la certification de langue anglaise obligatoire en licence, DUT et BTS. Une victoire pour les étudiants et les administrations selon Léna Pallier, présidente de la Fédération nationale des associations étudiantes linguistes. Game over pour le test d’anglais obligatoire dans l’enseignement supérieur. Dans sa décision rendue publique mercredi, le Conseil d’Etat a abrogé la certification de langue obligatoire en licence, DUT (remplacés par les Bachelors universitaires de technologie, BUT, à la rentrée 2021) et BTS. Jusque-là, les étudiants du supérieur ne pouvaient se voir délivrer leur diplôme sans ce fameux test, élaboré par un organisme extérieur, comme le Toeic ou le Toefl. Et ce peu importe le contenu initial de leur formation et leur résultat à la fin de l’examen. Un décret datant du 3 avril 2020 avait officialisé cette mesure portée par l’ancienne ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur Frédérique Vidal. Elle était depuis décriée par les associations linguistiques et étudiantes. Quinze d’entre elles avaient porté recours en septembre 2020 auprès du Conseil d’Etat.
- End of the compulsory English test at college: “It was an attack on plurilingualism”
The Council of State on Wednesday canceled the compulsory English language certification in license, DUT and BTS. A victory for students and administrations according to Léna Pallier, president of the National Federation of Student Linguist Associations. - Full article: Libération, 10/06/22
Bac 2022: les élèves ukrainiens pourront passer leurs épreuves en France
Les élèves ukrainiens qui devaient passer le ZNO, l’équivalent du baccalauréat dans leur pays, pourront le faire cet été, en France, de façon dématérialisée. Depuis que la Russie a déclenché son offensive, le 24 février dernier, contre l’Ukraine, environ 18.000 élèves ukrainiens, de la maternelle jusqu’au lycée, ont été accueillis en France. Une partie d’entre eux doit passer cette année le ZNO, le diplôme de fin d’études de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur, l’équivalent du bac.
- Ukrainian students who had to pass the ZNO, the equivalent of the baccalaureate in their country, will be able to do so this summer, in France, in a dematerialised way.
- Full article: Le Figaro, 08/06/22
« Notre pays a besoin d’un choc scolaire pour une montée en compétences des élèves et des professeurs »
Un nouveau ministre de l’éducation nationale vient d’être nommé. Les lycéens préparent les épreuves de fin d’année et viennent de se heurter aux premiers résultats de Parcoursup. Nous n’avons pas encore de recul pour savoir ce que la réforme du baccalauréat changera à notre enseignement secondaire, et si elle améliorera le cœur de la formation des lycéens. La certitude est que, depuis de nombreuses années, les moyens horaires fondent et que les études PISA [Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves]pointent le bas niveau des lycéens français pris dans leur globalité. D’autres études montrent le creusement des inégalités scolaires, le très mauvais état de l’université et l’échec des plus grandes écoles à recruter dans tous les milieux sociaux et dans tous les lycées du pays.
- A new Minister of National Education has just been appointed. The high school students are preparing for the end-of-year tests and have just come up against the first results of Parcoursup.
- Full article: Le Monde, 07/06/22
Neue DAAD-Außenstelle in Georgien
Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) baut sein weltweites Netzwerk aus. Dazu wird heute in der georgischen Hauptstadt Tiflis eine neue DAAD-Außenstelle eröffnet. Das Büro ist für Armenien, Aserbaidschan sowie für Georgien zuständig. „Die heutige Einweihungsfeier der neuen Außenstelle ist ein guter Anlass, um gemeinsam in die Zukunft zu blicken und unser Bekenntnis zu gemeinsamen Werten in der Wissenschaft und darüber hinaus zu bekräftigen. Gerade in Zeiten eines Angriffskriegs in Europa wollen wir die Instrumente der Wissenschaftsdiplomatie nutzen, um multilaterale Beziehungen zu stärken und sie für künftige Generationen von Studierenden, Forschenden und Führungskräften aus dem Südkaukasus nachhaltig zu gestalten. Dafür ist Georgien ein idealer Standort, und wir freuen uns auf den Ausbau unserer Arbeit vor Ort und in der Region“, sagte DAAD-Präsident Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee anlässlich der Eröffnung.
- The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is expanding its worldwide network. To this end, a new DAAD branch office will be opened today in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. The office is responsible for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
- Full press release: German Academic Exchange Service, 09/06/22
Deutschland unterstützt Ukraine bei der Durchführung von Hochschulzugangstests für Geflüchtete
Mehrere deutsche Hochschulen werden in diesem Jahr ihre Räumlichkeiten und Infrastruktur für studieninteressierte Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine zur Verfügung stellen, um standardisierte Prüfungen für die Aufnahme und eine Fortsetzung des Studiums an ukrainischen Hochschulen durchzuführen. Die Online-Examina werden zwischen dem 22. Juli und dem 3. Oktober 2022 in einheitlich festgelegten Zeitabschnitten an insgesamt sechs Standorten in Deutschland stattfinden: in Berlin, koordiniert von der Humboldt-Universität, sowie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, der Universität Hamburg, der Universität zu Köln und der Universität Leipzig. In München wurde das Kulturzentrum „Gorod“ von dem ukrainischen Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft selbst gewonnen. Es wird erwartet, dass in Deutschland etwa 5.500 Personen an den Tests teilnehmen werden. Die Prüfungen werden zeitgleich in der Ukraine und in den europäischen Ländern durchgeführt, in denen Geflüchtete Schutz gefunden haben.
- This year, several German universities will make their premises and infrastructure available to refugees from Ukraine who are interested in studying, in order to carry out standardized examinations for admission and continuation of studies at Ukrainian universities.
- Full press release: Conference of Ministers of Education, 09/06/22
Nationales Informationsdossier 2018/2019 informiert über Entwicklungen im deutschen Bildungswesen
Das vom Sekretariat der Kultusministerkonferenz vorgelegte Nationale Dossier 2018/2019 informiert über Zuständigkeiten im deutschen Bildungswesen vom Elementarbereich bis zur Weiterbildung sowie über Reformmaßnahmen im Berichtszeitraum. Im Mittelpunkt der bildungspolitischen Diskussion stehen weiterhin Maßnahmen zur Weiterentwicklung und zur Sicherung der Qualität der schulischen Bildung sowie zur Erhöhung von Vergleichbarkeit und Mobilität. Allgemein gilt: Die Leistungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler sollen in der Breite und in der Spitze besser werden. Die Länder arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, Bildungsqualität und Bildungschancen weiter zu verbessern.
- The national dossier 2018/2019 presented by the secretariat of the Conference of Ministers of Education provides information on responsibilities in the German education system from elementary school to further education as well as on reform measures in the reporting period.
- Full press release: Conference of Ministers of Education, 08/06/22
Scuola, pubblicati i dati di monitoraggio sull’andamento pandemico relativi al periodo 30 maggio – 4 giugno
Sul sito del Ministero dell’Istruzione sono disponibili, da oggi, i dati di monitoraggio sull’andamento pandemico in ambito scolastico relativi al periodo 30 maggio – 4 giugno.
- Monitoring data on the pandemic trend in schools for the period 30 May – 4 June.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education 10/06/22
Il Ministro Dadone preside la sessione 4 In OCSE: Creare un futuro migliore per i giovani e con i giovani.
Insieme al Segretario Generale Cormann ed ai rappresentanti di oltre 60 nazioni, i giovani rappresentanti di Youthwise hanno chiesto di promuovere la partecipazione giovanile alla vita sociale e democratica, rafforzare i processi di formazione come cittadini globali e consapevoli, renderli protagonisti nell’adozione di politiche pubbliche attraverso il future generation test”.
- “Today, for the first time, young people are called to intervene in the OECD and provide their vision on the important challenges of the near European and global future”. Fabiana Dadone comments at the opening of the proceedings in the OECD.
- Full press release: Ministry for Youth Policies, 10/06/22
Numeri, scadenze, informazioni utili: lo speciale sugli Esami di Stato 2022
Dal numero dei candidati divisi per regione e provincia, alle scadenze per le prove. Dalla struttura dell’Esame (crediti, valutazione, colloquio) alle voci degli esperti. Di seguito tutti i link con le informazioni utili sugli Esami di Stato 2022 per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado.
- From the number of candidates divided by region and province, to the deadlines for the tests. From the structure of the exam (credits, evaluation, interview) to the voices of the experts.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education 09/06/22
Esame di terza media in presenza per 565mila ragazzi. Matematica e l’orale spaventano di più
Prima della Maturità ci sono i ragazzi e le ragazze di 14 anni impegnati nell’esame di terza media. Un esercito di 565.630 candidati alla loro prima prova da quando si sono seduti in un banco. Per la maggior parte di loro la prova, che segna il passaggio alle superiori, partirà lunedì 13, uno su cinque ha già affrontato invece gli scritti. Anche per le medie l’esame 2022 segna il ritorno in presenza: la modalità non corrisponde del tutto al periodo prima della pandemia, ma è un riavvicinamento alla formula pre-covid.
- The Maturità test for 8th graders in Italy continues as normal after two years of being disrupted by the Covid Pandemic. A survey tells us students prefer the shortened Covid tests and find the current ones more demanding.
- Full article: La Republica, 12/06/22
Maturità 2022, la Lombardia a caccia di presidenti di commissione: una su quattro è scoperta. Rischiano di slittare gli orali
“Cercansi docenti che possano fare i presidenti di commissione alla maturità”. In Lombardia, il caso della scarsa disponibilità dei professori a candidarsi per presiedere l’esame di Stato alle superiori, rischia di allungare di qualche settimana i colloqui che dovranno sostenere gli studenti. Fino a qualche giorno fa, nella regione con più scuole d’Italia, mancavano ben 540 presidenti, in pratica una commissione su quattro è sprovvista. A Milano, in modo particolare, la situazione è critica: secondo le stime dell’Associazione nazionale presidi del capoluogo i professori che hanno presentato domanda sono il 30-40% in meno rispetto alle richieste.
- In Milan,they are lacking 30-40% of teachers to be on the commission for Maturità 2022. Giannelli (National Association of Principals): “They can’t be stretched that much; the students would have considerable discomfort”.
- Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 11/06/22
United Kingdom
Student loan interest rates capped
The government will cap student loan interest rates for current graduate borrowers to protect them from a rise in inflation. A rise in the rate of RPI due to global economic pressures meant student loan borrowers faced a 12% interest rate in September and the government has intervened and capped interest rates to a maximum of 7.3% to protect graduates. This is the largest scale reduction of student loan interest rates on record to support graduate borrowers.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 11/06/22
England opens doors to world’s best teachers
The best teachers from across the world will be supported to work in schools in England from 2023, as part of the government’s commitment to ensure every pupil is taught by an excellent teacher. International teachers wanting to teach in English schools will need to meet a new set of consistent standards, rather than their eligibility being dictated by the country they qualified in. The move will open up opportunities to teachers right across the world and make it fairer and easier for the world’s best teachers to work in classrooms in England.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 10/06/22
Thousands more school and sixth form places to be created
Thousands of new school places will be created for children in England, including for those who are living in disadvantaged areas, have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), or require alternative provision. The government’s 55 Education Investment Areas, the local authorities where outcomes for pupils are currently weakest, will be prioritised for up to 15 new mainstream free schools. This will include a targeted number of high-quality, standalone sixth forms, designed to help children from disadvantaged backgrounds fulfil their potential.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 10/06/22
First post-Covid school leavers face fight for fewer university places
The first post-Covid cohort of school leavers face a summer of uncertainty that “threatens to hold back a generation”, as students compete for fewer places on popular university courses. After A-level grade inflation during the pandemic forced universities to take on more students, institutions are now retrenching in popular subjects despite a surge in applications. Parents and teachers who contacted the Guardian report that students predicted to gain A* grades in their A-Levels, who in previous years would receive offers from many of their preferred institutions, have instead received a string of rejections.
- Full article: The Guardian, 11/06/22
Rules to be relaxed for foreign teachers to work in schools in England
Qualified teachers from any country in the world will be able to work in schools in England if they have equivalent credentials and at least one year’s classroom experience, ministers have said. The change, which comes into force next year, will open up opportunities for teachers from countries outside the 39 where teaching qualifications are currently recognised, which include across Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia. Until now, teachers from other countries had to pay to retrain before they could teach in English schools.
- Full article: The Guardian, 10/06/22
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