Czech expert: EU treaty change unlikely after Conference on the Future of Europe
The conference on the Future of Europe enables European citizens to propose suggestions for prospective EU-policies. However, a Czech expert says this conference will not have an effect on EU-treaties due to dissent among member states. Czech Republic, which will soon take over the rotating EU Council presidency and may implement the Conference’s outcomes, is expected to be hesitant in EU treaty changes.
- See full article: Euractiv, 20/04/2022
2017-2022 : 5 ans d’actions pour l’École de la République
Une école qui transmet à tous les élèves les savoirs et les valeurs qui le guideront tout au long de la vie, une nouvelle gestion des ressources humaines pour développer la personnalisation, renforcer l’esprit d’équipe et améliorer le service public d’éducation : 5 ans d’actions pour l’École de la République.
- A school that transmits to all students the knowledge and values that will guide them throughout life, a new management of human resources to develop personalization, strengthen team spirit and improve the public education service: 5 years of actions for the School of the Republic.
- See full press release: Ministère de l’éducation nationale de la jeunesse et des sports, 25/04/2022
L’Éducation nationale, un «immense chantier» à relancer
Emmanuel Macron a défini l’école comme l’un de ses deux «immenses chantiers», avec la santé. Au-delà des promesses de campagne, il faudra en tout état de cause relever les défis structurels qui s’imposent à l’Éducation nationale. Cela pourrait passer par une grande concertation.
- Emmanuel Macron defined school as one of his two “huge projects”, along with health. Beyond the campaign promises, it will in any case be necessary to meet the structural challenges that are imposed on National Education.
- See full article: Le Figaro, 24/04/2022
Face au duel Macron-Le Pen, la tentation de l’abstention chez les enseignants
Dans cette profession, qui réunit plus de 860 000 personnes, l’idée de faire barrage au Rassemblement national au second tour ne va plus de soi chez les électeurs de gauche.
- Faced with the Macron-Le Pen duel, there is a temptation to abstain among teachers.
- See full article: Le Monde, 22/04/2022
Débat Macron-Le Pen : les candidats précisent leurs engagements sur l’éducation, sans convaincre les syndicats d’enseignants
Lors du débat de l’entre-deux-tours de la présidentielle, mercredi, les deux finalistes ont promis des moyens supplémentaires en direction des professeurs, des élèves et des étudiants.
- Macron-Le Pen debate: the candidates specify their commitments on education, without convincing the teachers’ unions.
- See full article: Le Monde, 21/04/2022
Kultusministerkonferenz regelt Hochschulzugang für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine
Schülerinnen und Schüler, die fluchtbedingt ihren Sekundarschulabschluss in der Ukraine nicht abschließen können, können sich in Deutschland dennoch für ein Studium bewerben. Dies hat die Kultusministerkonferenz beschlossen. Anlass für diesen Beschluss ist, dass im Jahr 2022 in der Ukraine keine regulären staatlichen Prüfungen zum Erwerb des Sekundarschulabschlusses II stattfinden und dass Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine ihr Schuljahr oder Studienjahr nicht regulär abschließen können.
- Conference of Ministers of Education regulates university access for refugees from Ukraine. Pupils who are unable to complete their secondary school qualifications in Ukraine due to their flight can still apply to study in Germany. This was decided by the Conference of Ministers of Education.
- See full Press Release: KMK, 20/04/2022
Hemmnis Bürokratie: Was Schulen daran hindert, digitaler zu werden
Bei der Digitalisierung kommen die Schulen kaum voran. Aber was hat die Schulbürokratie damit zu tun? Eine Studie zeigt, was sich ändern müsste. Deutschland ist wegen der Coronapandemie deutlich digitaler geworden. Doch während geflüchtete Kinder aus der Ukraine von hier aus am Onlineunterricht in ihrem Heimatland teilnehmen können, steht die Digitalisierung der deutschen Schulen in vielen Fällen noch aus.
- Germany has become significantly more digital because of the corona pandemic. But while children who have fled from Ukraine can take part in online lessons in their home country from here, in many cases German schools have not yet been digitized.
- See full article: Handelsblatt, 25/04/2022
Bislang rund 7500 Schüler aus der Ukraine gemeldet
An den niedersächsischen Schulen sind bislang rund 7500 Schülerinnen und Schüler nach ihrer Flucht aus der Ukraine angemeldet worden. Das teilte das Kultusministerium in Hannover am Montag auf dpa-Anfrage mit. In Niedersachsen gehen etwa 1,1 Millionen Schüler an rund 3000 Schulen. In Kitas im Bundesland sind demnach etwa 340 Kinder aus der Ukraine gemeldet.
- So far, around 7,500 students have been registered at schools in Lower Saxony after fleeing Ukraine. This was announced by the Ministry of Education in Hanover on Monday in response to a dpa request. In Lower Saxony, around 1.1 million students go to around 3,000 schools.
- See full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25/04/2022
Viele Studiengängen haben noch keine Akkreditierung
Nach wie vor erlangen viele Studierende in Sachsen-Anhalt ihren Abschluss in nicht akkreditierten Studiengängen. Das geht aus einer Antwort des Wissenschaftsministeriums auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Linksfraktion im Landtag hervor. Demnach haben seit 2020 rund 1350 Absolventinnen und Absolventen einen Studiengang mit dem Abschluss Bachelor oder Master abgeschlossen, dessen Qualität bislang nicht festgestellt worden ist.
- Many students in Saxony-Anhalt continue to graduate from non-accredited courses. This emerges from a response from the Ministry of Science to a small inquiry from the left-wing faction in the state parliament.
- See full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25/04/2022
Leichterer Hochschulzugang für ukrainische Geflüchtete
Geflüchtete ukrainische Schülerinnen und Schüler, die in diesem Jahr keinen Sekundarschulabschluss machen können, sollen trotzdem ein Studium in Deutschland aufnehmen können. Das hat die Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) beschlossen, wie sie am Mittwoch (20. April) mitteilte.
- Refugee Ukrainian schoolchildren who cannot graduate from secondary school this year should still be able to study in Germany. The Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) decided that, as announced on Wednesday (April 20).
- See full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 21/04/2022
„Brauchen eine flexible Bildungszeit“ – Bertelsmann Stiftung fordert Reform der Weiterbildung
Deutschland leidet unter Fachkräftemangel und hinkt bei der Fortbildung hinterher. Österreich könnte ein Vorbild für Qualifizierung sein, zeigt eine Studie. Um den zunehmenden Fachkräftemangel zu bekämpfen, müsse Deutschland sein System der Weiterbildung ausbauen – und sollte sich dabei an Ländern wie Österreich und Dänemark orientieren, fordert die Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- In order to combat the increasing shortage of skilled workers, Germany must expand its system of further education – and should be based on countries like Austria and Denmark, demands the Bertelsmann Foundation.
- See full article: Handelsblatt, 19/04/2022
Bando di concorso per l’assunzione di 50 unità di personale di alta professionalità, a tempo indeterminato, da inquadrare nell’Area funzionale III, posizione economica F3 – vari profili professionali – presso il Ministero dell’istruzione
Ai sensi dell’art. 8 del Bando, ogni comunicazione concernente la procedura di concorso viene effettuata sulla piattaforma disponibile al seguente indirizzo:
- Pursuant to art. 8 of the Announcement, any communication concerning the competition procedure is made on the platform available at the following address:
- See full article: Ministero dell’Istruzione, 21/04/2022
Il Ministro Fabiana Dadone a Genova per una serie di incontri con i giovani del territorio.
Il Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, Fabiana Dadone, a Genova per incontrare i giovani, in occasione del Truck tour.
- Minister Fabiana Dadone in Genoa for a series of meetings with young people in the area, starting from the Duchessa di Galliera Institute, in an open day dedicated to the debate on the prevention of the use of drugs.
- See full article: Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, 21/04/2022
Fabiana Dadone, prende parte alla presentazione del progetto per la riqualificazione dell’DSSE di Guidonia.
Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, con delega alla Struttura di Missione per la valorizzazione degli anniversari nazionali e della dimensione partecipativa delle nuove generazioni, ha presentato il progetto di recupero, restauro conservativo e valorizzazione ai fini museali della Vasca Navale presente all’interno della zona più storica dell’Aeroporto Barbieri, nell’ala denominata DSSE.
- Minister for Youth Policies, with delegation to the Mission Structure for the enhancement of national anniversaries and the participatory dimension of the new generations, presented the project for the recovery, conservative restoration and enhancement for museum purposes of the Naval Basin present within the most historical of the Barbieri Airport, in the wing called DSSE.
- See full article: Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, 20/04/2022
Comparto istruzione e ricerca – settore scuola: dati di adesione definitivi sciopero SAESE dell’8 aprile 2022
Comparto istruzione e ricerca – settore scuola: dati di adesione definitivi sciopero SAESE dell’8 aprile 2022 per tutto il.
- Education and research sector – school sector: final membership data for the SAESE strike of 8 April 2022 for all teaching and ata staff, open-ended, atypical and precarious.
- See full article: Ministero dell’Istruzione, 19/04/2022
Area e Comparto Funzioni Centrali – Sciopero generale di tutti i settori pubblici e privati per il giorno 22 aprile 2022 (nota prot. n. 13656 del 14 aprile 2022)
- Central Functions Area and Section – General strike of all public and private sectors on 22 April 2022 (note prot. N. 13656 of 14 April 2022)
- See full article: Ministero dell’Istruzione, 18/04/2022
United Kingdom
Brexit row threatens £250m in UK research funding from EU
British universities are facing a brain drain as the row over Brexit in Northern Ireland threatens £250m in research funding from the EU, it has emerged. The European Research Council (ERC) has written to 98 scientists and academics who were recently approved for €172m (£145m) in grants telling them that if the UK’s associate membership of the €80bn Horizon Europe programme is not ratified they will not be eligible to draw down the money.
- See full article: The Guardian, 25/04/2022
Unite strike: Councils and schools face disruption over pay dispute
Councils, the Housing Executive and some schools face up to two weeks of disruption from Monday due to strike action by the Unite union. Unite members in most councils and the Housing Executive started a walk-out on Monday in a dispute over pay. The union’s members in the Education Authority (EA) then begin strike action from Tuesday 26 April.
- See full article: BBC, 25/04/2022
UK gains latest ELT group with launch of ILC
English language schools across six locations in England have come together to form ILC International Language Centres. The group’s acquisition of TEG English in 2020 and ABC Languages in 2021 makes the collective “one of the largest groups of language schools for adults and young learners”.
- See full article: The Pie News, 22/04/2022
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