Déplacement de Pap Ndiaye en Dordogne
Pap Ndiaye, ministre de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse, se rendra vendredi 8 juillet en Dordogne à l’occasion du 95e Congrès de l’Association générale des Enseignants de l’École maternelle (AGEEM). Au cours de ce déplacement, le ministre inaugurera également une exposition du Musée mobile (MuMo), un dispositif mobile permettant de faire découvrir l’art contemporain. Il échangera enfin avec plusieurs jeunes stagiaires du Service National Universel (SNU) ainsi que leurs encadrants.
- Pap Ndiaye, Minister of National Education and Youth, will travel to the Dordogne on Friday July 8 for the 95th Congress of the General Association of Nursery School Teachers (AGEEM).
- Full press release: Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sport, 07/07/2022
Le bac est mort, vive le bac !
Le taux de réussite au baccalauréat s’élève à 91,1 % en 2022, ce qui confirme la démocratisation de l’examen. Pour les lycéens, Parcoursup devient désormais le véritable objectif des années lycée. Problème, ce processus d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur est particulièrement opaque.
- The baccalaureate pass rate stands at 91.1% in 2022, which confirms the democratisation of the exam.
- Full article: Le Monde, 11/07/2022
DAAD vor großen Einschnitten
Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) steht mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit vor umfangreichen Budget-Kürzungen. Das Angebot an Stipendien und in der Mobilitätsförderung in Projekten deutscher Hochschulen muss daher kurzfristig und umfassend reduziert werden; allein rund 6.000 Stipendien könnten wegfallen.
- The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is likely to face extensive budget cuts.
- Full press release: German Academic Exchange Service, 08/07/2022
Auslandsmobilität in der Corona-Pandemie
Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) hat rund 3.300 Studierende zu ihren Erfahrungen bei Auslandssemestern während der Corona-Pandemie befragt. Trotz Einführung digitaler Lehre und Auslandssemester während der Pandemie bewertet die große Mehrheit der Befragten ihre Zeit an einer ausländischen Universität als positiv und innovativ.
- The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) surveyed around 3,300 students about their experiences with semesters abroad during the corona pandemic.
- Full press release: German Academic Exchange Service, 05/07/2022
Geflüchtete ukrainische Schülerinnen und Schüler erhalten Deutsches Sprachdiplom
Die zweite KMK-Vizepräsidentin und Ministerin für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des Landes Brandenburg Britta Ernst und der Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt Dr. Tobias Lindner überreichten am 4. Juli 2022 im Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin an neun geflüchtete Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Ukraine das Deutsche Sprachdiplom – Zweite Stufe (DSD II) und würdigten damit deren besondere Leistungen beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache. Die ukrainischen Schülerinnen und Schüler konnten das DSD II in diesem Jahr noch an ihren, von der Bundesregierung geförderten sogenannten DSD-Schulen in der Ukraine ablegen, bevor ihr Heimatland durch russische Truppen angegriffen wurde und nach Deutschland flüchteten.
- The second KMK Vice President and Minister for Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg Britta Ernst and the Minister of State in the Foreign Office Dr. On July 4, 2022, Tobias Lindner presented nine refugee schoolchildren from Ukraine with the German Language Diploma – Second Level (DSD II) at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, thereby honoring their special achievements in learning the German language.
- Full press release: Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, 05/07/2022
Progetto “Fisco e Legalità – per la promozione della cultura della legalità fiscale e la conoscenza dei principi fondamentali della convivenza civile”
L’Associazione magistrati tributari promuove un’iniziativa educativa denominata “Fisco e Legalità – per la promozione della cultura della legalità fiscale e la conoscenza dei principi fondamentali della convivenza civile” diretta ad incoraggiare negli studenti delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado e nel personale docente la conoscenza della legalità fiscale e dei principi fondamentali della convivenza civile
- The Tax Magistrates Association promotes an educational initiative called “Tax and Legality aimed at encouraging secondary school students and teaching staff to gain knowledge of tax law and the fundamental principles of civil coexistence.
- Full press release: The Ministry of Education, 11/07/2022
Invalsi 2022, difficoltà fra gli studenti delle superiori al Sud: il 70% non raggiunge il livello base in matematica, il 60% in Italiano
L’Invalsi, istituto nazionale per la valutazione del sistema educativo, ha presentato i risultati delle prove 2022. Lo ha fatto a Roma, nell’aula magna dell’Università La Sapienza, alla presenza del ministro dell’Istruzione Patrizio Bianchi. Per la prima volta da quando vengono somministrati i test, la sentenza che arriva dal nuovo presidente Roberto Ricci è pesantissima: “Le differenze vengono da molto lontano, ben prima della pandemia. Attraverso i dati delle rilevazioni internazionali, è possibile verificare che alcune delle maggiori criticità riscontrate negli esiti di quest’anno si ritrovano già nei risultati di dieci – vent’anni fa”. Alla secondaria di primo grado, pur rimanendo sotto la media dei Paesi Timss (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), i risultati in matematica sono migliorati fino al 2011 ma da dodici anni il trend positivo si è interrotto.
- Invalsi, the national institute for the evaluation of the education system, released the results of the 2022 school tests. The results show that students are underperforming in subjects including Maths where students achieved below the OECD average and reading comprehension (Italian.) English is the only subject to see improvements this year with results increasing 2% compared to last year.
- Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 06/07/2022
United Kingdom
Amanda Spielman’s speech to the Festival of Education, 2022
Ofsted’s Chief Inspector reflects on the last year in education and looks forward to the opportunities and challenges ahead. Emphasis has been placed on rebuilding a school structure after the pandemic as well as prioritising mental health and impartiality in teaching.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 08/07/2022
Unfinished business: policies that could fail under UK’s ‘lame-duck’ government
Teachers’ pay is the top item for the new education secretary, James Cleverly – he needs to publish the recommendations of the School Teachers’ Review Body before the end of term or risk further angering teachers in England before strike ballots in autumn.
Exam results for A-levels and GCSEs arrive in mid-August – and will see steep falls in top grades compared with last year. Whoever is education secretary will have to clearly communicate to unhappy students and parents why that has happened.
- Full article: The Guardian, 08/07/2022
Sats results: Standards slip in Year 6 tests
Overall standards in reading, writing and maths have slipped among Year 6 pupils in England since the pandemic, according to Sats results. They show 59% of pupils met the expected level in these combined areas this year, down from 65% in 2019.The national curriculum tests were cancelled in 2020 and 2021.The government says the Sats results were “expected due to the impact of the pandemic” and that there is “more work to do” to help pupils catch up. By 2030, it wants 90% of children leaving primary school to reach the expected standards in reading, writing and maths. Unions have called for further investment in schools and teaching staff in order to achieve that target.
- Full article: BBC, 06/07/2022
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