29 juin 2022, Pré-Sommet de l’UNESCO : “Transformer l’éducation”
La Présidence française – représentée par le ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la jeunesse et le ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères – de concert avec la Commission européenne, ont salué l’initiative du Sommet sur la transformation de l’éducation et ont réaffirmé la volonté de l’UE d’intensifier son engagement et son rôle dans la coopération internationale en faveur de l’éducation comme moteur de la réalisation de tous les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) pour des sociétés plus équitables, plus inclusives, plus aptes à conduire les transitions numérique et écologique.
- The French Presidency – represented by the Ministry of National Education and Youth and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs – and the European Commission organized a ministerial round table in Paris on 29 June devoted to the role of the European Union (EU) in the transformation of education.
- Full press release: Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sport, 29/06/2022
Dossier de presse – France 2030 – L’innovation au service de l’enseignement scolaire
France 2030 accompagne l’innovation en favorisant la co-construction et l’adoption de solutions numériques éducatives avec les Ed Tech au service de la réussite éducative de tous les élèves. Au travers des Challenges Education et du marché de ressources numériques éducatives des 12 Territoires numériques éducatifs (TNE), ce sont 72 solutions innovantes créées par 44 entreprises de la Ed Tech qui sont mises à disposition des élèves et des enseignants. Grâce au fonds Educapital 2, des entreprises vont voir accompagner leur croissance nationale et internationale.
- France 2030 supports innovation by promoting the co-construction and adoption of digital educational solutions with Ed Techs at the service of the educational success of all students.
- Full press release: Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sport, 29/06/2022
Stark-Watzinger: Wir machen Deutschland als KI-Standort noch attraktiver
Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) weitet seine Förderung für die Erforschung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) aus und wird die fünf neu aufgebauten KI-Kompetenzzentren an Hochschulen ab heute dauerhaft fördern. Das BMBF stellt dafür zukünftig 50 Millionen Euro im Jahr bereit, ein Beitrag in gleicher Höhe kommt von den Sitzländern der Kompetenzzentren.
- The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is expanding its funding for research into artificial intelligence (AI) and will continue to fund the five newly established AI competence centers at universities from today.
- Full press release: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 01/07/2022
FDP will Englisch als zweite Behördensprache
Die FDP fordert die Einführung von Englisch als zusätzlicher Verwaltungssprache in deutschen Behörden. Dies berichtet das Handelsblatt unter Berufung auf ein Papier von Bundesbildungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger und FDP-Vize Johannes Vogel. Demnach sollen so Migranten Behördengänge erleichtert werden.
- The FDP calls for the introduction of English as an additional administrative language in German authorities.
- Full article: Zeit Online, 04/07/2022
Scuola, l’inaugurazione dell’anno scolastico 2022/2023 il 23 settembre a Grugliasco
L’inaugurazione dell’anno scolastico 2022/2023 si terrà il prossimo 23 settembre a Grugliasco (TO), presso l’Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Curie-Vittorini”. Alla cerimonia parteciperanno il Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, e il Ministro dell’Istruzione, Patrizio Bianchi. Prenderanno parte alla manifestazione studentesse e studenti in rappresentanza delle scuole di tutta Italia.
- The inauguration of the 2022/2023 school year will take place on the 23rd of September at the Curie-Vittorini Higher Education Insititute. The event will be attended by President Sergio Mattarella and the Minster of Education Patrizio Bianchi.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 01/07/2022
Recovery, polemiche sulla ripartizione dei fondi contro la dispersione scolastica. Critiche a Bianchi dai presidi del Sud e anche dal “suo” comitato di esperti
I primi 500 milioni, assegnati in questi giorni, finanziano progetti in 3.198 istituti con studenti nella fascia 12-18 anni. I criteri utilizzati hanno portato ad escludere molte scuole di quartieri difficili. I “saggi” scelti dal ministro, tra cui Ludovico Albert, Marco Rossi Doria e la sociologa Chiara Saraceno, hanno inviato una lettera al professore ferrarese dove parlano di “scuole difficilissime escluse” e di un decreto che “assegna le risorse ma non definisce il chi, il cosa e il come usarle”
- The first €500 million of Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) has been announced leaving thousands of schools, most in less wealthy areas, without any funding. Many are condemning Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi for this discrepancy.
- Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 04/07/2022
United Kingdom
Summer support for children
Thousands of children from low-income families will benefit from free childcare, activities and healthy food as part of a £10 million summer programme. Available to children and young people aged five to 14 years old who need it most, the funding has been allocated to local authorities to supplement existing holiday programmes or to develop new ones.
- Full press release: Scottish Government, 01/07/2022
Teacher pay rise won’t keep pace with soaring inflation, says Nadhim Zahawi
School teachers will not be receiving a pay rise that will keep pace with soaring inflation levels, education secretary Nadhim Zahawi has indicated. The cabinet minister said public sector workers would have to accept pay “restraint”, despite growing calls for the government to provide more help with the mounting cost of living crisis. It comes as union leaders warned that both schools and hospitals would suffer a “mass exodus” of staff unless public sector employees receive pay rises matching inflation.
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