Eurobarometer on the European Year of Youth: Young Europeans are increasingly engaged
Today, the Commission published its Flash Eurobarometer on Youth and Democracy, conducted between 22 February and 4 March 2022. With the European Year of Youth in full swing, and at the end of the Conference on the future of Europe – where youth played a crucial part – it allows to take stock of the sentiment among the young generation.
- Full press release: European Commission, 06/05/2022
Au BO du 5 mai 2022 : Guide pratique relatif au régime juridique des établissements privés hors contrat, programmes d’enseignements de spécialité et correction des épreuves d’enseignements de spécialité
Programmes limitatifs pour l’enseignement de spécialité de langues, littératures et cultures étrangères et régionales. Plusieurs notes de service présentent les dispositions liées aux programmes d’enseignements de différentes langues, littératures et cultures étrangères et régionales.
- Several memos present the provisions related to the teaching programs of different foreign and regional languages, literatures and cultures.
- Full Bulletin: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 05/05/2022
Bac 2022 : des décharges accordées aux enseignants pour corriger les épreuves de spécialité
Pour la charge de travail supplémentaire que constitue la correction de ces examens, qui se déroulent du 11 au 13 mai, les professeurs pourront demander à leur chef d’établissement jusqu’à quatre demi-journées.
- For the additional workload of correcting specialty exams, which take place from May 11 to 13, teachers can ask their headteacher for up to four half-days.
- Full article: Le Monde, 04/05/2022
«On va morfler»: les profs à cran après la réélection de Macron
Dépités après le premier mandat macroniste et suspendus aux résultats des législatives, les professeurs, pourtant moins engagés à gauche qu’avant, craignent une nouvelle nomination de Jean-Michel Blanquer qu’ils verraient comme une «déclaration de guerre».
- Professors protest after the re-election of Macron due to dissatisfaction with the current education policies.
- Full article: Libération, 03/05/2022
Rüstzeug für die Welt von morgen: Europa mit Erasmus+ nachhaltiger gestalten
Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen betrifft alle Menschen und macht nicht an Ländergrenzen halt. Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz sind deshalb Zukunftsthemen, die nach europäischen Antworten verlangen – und deshalb im EU-Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+ (2021 bis 2027) eine zentrale Rolle spielen.
- Tools for the world of tomorrow: make Europe more sustainable with Erasmus+. A European specialist conference of the National Agency Erasmus+ School Education of the Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) of the Secretariat of the Conference of Ministers of Education until May 6, 2022 in Potsdam will deal with issues of sustainability.
- Full press release: KMK, 09/05/2022
Mehr Schutz für bedrohte Studierende und Forschende
Im Kontext des deutschen G7-Vorsitzes und im Vorfeld des G7-Gipfels haben die wissenschaftlichen Austauschorganisationen der G7-Staaten gemeinsam mit Partnern aus acht weiteren Ländern eine Erklärung zum „Wissenschaftsaustausch in Zeiten weltweiter Krisen“ veröffentlicht. Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) hatte die Organisationen Anfang Mai nach Berlin einladen.
- In the context of the German G7 presidency and in the run-up to the G7 summit, the scientific exchange organizations of the G7 states, together with partners from eight other countries, published a declaration on “Scientific exchange in times of global crises”. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) invited the organizations to Berlin at the beginning of May.
- Full press release: DAAD, 06/05/2022
Partner der Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung starten den „Sommer der Berufsausbildung“
Die Kampagne richtet sich an Jugendliche, Eltern und Betriebe. In zahlreichen Veranstaltungen auf Bundes-, Landes- und regionaler Ebene werden von Mai bis Oktober wichtige Themen aufgegriffen: Berufsorientierung, Attraktivität der Ausbildung, Vielfalt der Talente und Nachvermittlung. Der „Sommer der Berufsausbildung“ fand im vergangenen Jahr erstmals statt und war mit über 800 Veranstaltungen und großer Resonanz in den sozialen Netzwerken sehr erfolgreich.
- Partners of the Alliance for Training and Further Education start the “Summer of Vocational Training” – the campaign is aimed at young people, parents and companies. Important topics are addressed in numerous events at federal, state and regional level from May to October: career orientation, attractiveness of training, diversity of talents and subsequent placement.
- Full press release: KMK, 04/05/2022
DAAD startet Themenwoche „Europäische Hochschulen“
Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) startet ab morgen (5.5.) die „Woche der Europäischen Hochschulen“ unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bundesbildungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger. Die Themenwoche bringt der Öffentlichkeit die Europäischen Hochschulallianzen und die beteiligten deutschen Hochschulen näher. In der Woche vom 5. bis 12. Mai sind dazu 47 Veranstaltungen geplant.
- The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is starting tomorrow (May 5th) the “Week of European Universities” under the patronage of Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger. The theme week brings the European university alliances and the participating German universities closer to the public.
- Full press release: DAAD, 04/05/2022
Lehrerverbände sehen Vorschlag zur Entlastung skeptisch
Lehrerverbände in Baden-Württemberg stehen dem jüngsten Vorschlag der Grünen-Fraktion zur Entlastung von Lehrkräften mit Skepsis entgegen. Die Idee, Lehrkräfte von nicht-pädagogischen Aufgaben zu befreien, finde man prinzipiell gut, teilte Gerhard Brand, Landesvorsitzender des Verbands Bildung und Erziehung (VBE), am Montag in Stuttgart mit.
- Teachers’ associations in Baden-Württemberg are sceptical about the Greens’ latest proposal to relieve teachers. In principle, the idea of freeing teachers from non-pedagogical tasks is a good one, said Gerhard Brand, state chairman of the Education and Training Association (VBE), on Monday in Stuttgart.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 09/05/2022
Bildungsgewerkschaft GEW wählt neuen Landesvorsitzenden
Die Bildungsgewerkschaft GEW wählt heute (13.30 Uhr) in Langenhagen bei Hannover einen neuen Landesvorsitzenden. Die vorherige Landesvorsitzende Laura Pooth wurde vor etwas mehr als fünf Monaten neue Vorsitzende des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes Nord.
- The GEW education union will elect a new state chairman in Langenhagen near Hanover.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 09/05/2022
Volkshochschulen: Sprachkurse für ukrainische Flüchtlinge
In Thüringen ist aufgrund von tausenden Kriegsflüchtlingen aus der Ukraine der Bedarf an Deutschkursen sprunghaft gewachsen. Die Volkshochschulen haben darauf reagiert und unter anderem eine thüringenweite Hotline zur Vermittlung von Sprachangeboten geschaltet, sagte die Direktorin des Thüringer Volkshochschulverbandes, Sylvia Kränke, der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Dort würden Kolleginnen auf Ukrainisch und Russisch beraten.
- In Thuringia, the need for German courses has grown by leaps and bounds due to thousands of war refugees from Ukraine. The adult education centres have reacted to this and, among other things, set up a Thuringia-wide hotline to arrange language courses, said the director of the Thuringian Adult Education Association, Sylvia Kränke, the German Press Agency.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 06/05/2022
Stillstand auf der Großbaustelle
Die Bundesregierung will den größten Knoten im Hochschulsektor auflösen: das Kapazitätsrecht, in dem es um Personalauslastung geht. Doch die Reform lässt auf sich warten.
- The federal government wants to dissolve the largest knot in the higher education sector: the capacity law, which deals with staff utilization.
- Full article: Frankfurter Allgemeine, 05/05/2022
Bayern sucht Anschluss an die Elite
Die Hochschulen im Freistaat gelten teils als zu träge für den internationalen Wettbewerb. Neue Rahmenbedingungen sollen Abhilfe schaffen – zum Beispiel Studiengebühren für ausländische Studierende und Zielvorgaben beim Frauenanteil.
- New framework conditions are to be applied to Bavarian universities in order to make them more competitive internationally.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 03/05/2022
Pubblicate le graduatorie delle aree dove saranno costruite le 216 scuole previste dal PNRR. Aumentati i fondi: il 42,4% va al Sud. Bianchi: “Nuovi edifici per una nuova idea di fare scuola”
Sono 216 le nuove scuole, innovative e sostenibili, che saranno finanziate con le risorse del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza. Un numero più elevato rispetto alle 195 inizialmente previste, grazie a un aumento dei fondi che porta lo stanziamento complessivo da 800 milioni a un miliardo e 189 milioni di euro.
- The rankings of the areas where the 216 schools foreseen by the PNRR will be built have been published. Funds increased: 42.4% goes to the South. Bianchi: “New buildings for a new idea of teaching”
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 06/05/2022
Presentata al Ministero Fiera Didacta Italia. Dal 20 al 22 maggio a Firenze. Bianchi: “Laboratorio di idee con le migliori esperienze dalle nostre scuole”
È stata presentata oggi al Ministero dell’Istruzione Fiera Didacta Italia, il più importante appuntamento fieristico dedicato all’innovazione della scuola, rivolto a docenti, dirigenti scolastici, educatori, formatori, professionisti e imprenditori del settore scuola e tecnologia.
- Fiera Didacta Italia was presented today at the Ministry of Education, the most important trade fair dedicated to school innovation, aimed at teachers, school managers, educators, trainers, professionals and entrepreneurs in the school and technology sector.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education, 04/05/2022
Scontro su reclutamento e formazione: proclamato lo sciopero il 30 maggio
A indire il giorno di protesta le maggiori sigle sindacali: Flc Cgil, Cisl scuola e Uil scuola, quindi Snals e Gilda. “Non è escluso lo sciopero degli scrutini”
- The school strike will be on May 30th. It was announced by the confederal trade unions: Flc Cgil, Cisl school and Uil school, plus Snals and Guild of teachers. The government decree on the recruitment of teachers and compulsory training is the reason that triggered the proclamation of the abstention from work of members, teachers and school staff.
- Full article: la Repubblica, 09/05/2022
Invalsi, tagli all’Istruzione e Alta scuola di formazione: i sindacati contro il governo Draghi con scioperi e proteste
I primi a farsi sentire, venerdì, saranno i Cobas. Sul piede di guerra anche tutte le altre organizzazioni sindacali che in un comunicato unitario hanno proclamato lo stato di agitazione e il blocco delle attività aggiuntive per tutto il personale della scuola.
- Cuts in education and high school training: the unions against the Draghi government with strikes and protests.
- Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 04/05/2022
United Kingdom
Removing barriers to employment
Young people struggling to access employment will be supported by an additional £4 million through the Young Person’s Guarantee. The funding will help young people impacted most by the pandemic, including those who are care-experienced and those experiencing mental health issues.
- Full press release: Scottish Government, 09/05/2022
PM to announce new laws to level up education opportunity so no child is left behind
Schools Bill to help deliver government’s ambition to give every child in the country a world-class education, providing the foundation they need to secure future well-paid jobs. Bill will support schools to raise standards, strengthen attendance and improve safeguarding for children wherever they are educated. Measures will feed into the government’s central mission to spread opportunity, level up the country, and strengthen our economy.
- Full press release: Department of Education, Training and Skills, 08/05/2022
ESFA Update: 4 May 2022
Latest information and actions from the Education and Skills Funding Agency for academies, schools, colleges, local authorities and further education providers.
- Full Correspondence: Department of Education, Training and Skills, 04/05/2022
New Ofqual 3-year plan puts students and apprentices at its heart
Ofqual sets out its vision to steer the future of qualifications. Ofqual’s new 3-year plan announced today (4 May) sets out its ambition for the future of qualifications that are sought after, fair, accessible, valued and world class. The plan details the work Ofqual will do towards this, with the interests of students and apprentices at its heart.
- Full press release: Ofqual, 04/05/2022
Appointment of new members to the Board of the National Academy for Educational Leadership announced
The Board plays a vital role in ensuring that the NAEL meets its aim of securing and nurturing both current and future leaders across the entire educational system, ensuring that leaders have access to coherent high-quality leadership development opportunities that meet their needs regardless of their career stage and ambitions.
- Full press release: Welsh Government, 03/05/2022
Universities oppose plan for student cap and loans in England
Universities across England have come out against proposals for limiting student numbers and access to loans, describing the plans as likely to crush aspirations and entrench disadvantage.
- Full article: The Guardian, 09/05/2022
Teaching union NASUWT begins industrial action
The NASUWT teaching union will begin industrial action short of strike in Northern Ireland schools from Monday. The industrial action will affect 20 duties, including covering for other staff, overseeing exams, lesson plans, inspections and school meetings. It was announced after teaching unions in Northern Ireland rejected a pay offer from their employers.
- Full article: BBC, 09/05/2022
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