Towards equity and inclusion in higher education in Europe
A new report presents a set of ten indicators on how education policy measures in 37 European countries pay attention to equality and inclusion. The report, ‘Towards Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education in Europe’, aims to help competent authorities and national policy-makers improve equity and inclusion in higher education.
- See full article: European Commission, 30/03/2022
EU Higher Education Systems Have Met 42% of Requirements for Social Inclusivity, Report Shows
The European higher education institutions in all 27-nation-bloc have scored a total of 635 points out of 1,520 in the Eurydice report, showing that European education systems have implemented nearly 42 percent of the policies required to meet the commitments, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has revealed.
- See full article: Erudera, 30/03/2022
Ukraine “brain-drain risk”, unis warn EU
Representatives from European universities have proposed concrete measures to adapt the Erasmus+ program to support Ukrainian students and academics, while calling on the EU to simultaneously “consider the brain-drain risk”.
- See full article: The Pie News, 29/03/2022
Au BO du 31 mars 2022: Label Éduform et enseignement des langues et cultures de l’Antiquité
Une note de service présente plusieurs dispositions liées au programme d’enseignement de spécialité de littérature et langues et cultures de l’Antiquité, grec ou latin, en classe terminale, pour les années scolaires 2022-2023 et 2023-2024.
- A memorandum presents several provisions related to the specialty teaching program in literature and languages and cultures of Antiquity, Greek or Latin, in the final year, for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years.
- See full article: Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, 31/03/2022
Sur la montagne Sainte-Geneviève, les révoltés d’Affelnet
Les parents d’élèves des prestigieux Henri-IV et Louis-le-Grand, à Paris, contestent la volonté du gouvernement de mettre fin au processus d’admission sur dossier. Pour beaucoup, l’intégration de ces établissements au logiciel commun des lycées de la capitale signe la fin des filières publiques d’excellence.
- The Parents of students at the prestigious Henri-IV and Louis-le-Grand schools in Paris contest the government’s intention to end the file-based admission process. For many, the integration of these establishments into the common programme of the capital’s high schools signals the end of the public branches of excellence.
- See full article: Le Monde, 02/04/202, paywall
Présidentielle 2022 : le lycée professionnel, sujet surprise de campagne
Souvent considérée comme secondaire dans les débats éducatifs, cette voie fait l’objet de nombreuses propositions à l’occasion de cette présidentielle, avec des philosophies différentes selon les candidats.
- Presidential Election 2022: Vocational high schools become a surprise subject during the election campaigns
- See full article: Le Monde, 01/04/202, paywall
La persévérance scolaire, un exercice qui s’apprend
Une association d’entrepreneurs, agréée par l’Éducation nationale, vient dans les classes pour travailler sur l’attention et la confiance. Avec des résultats probants.
- An association of entrepreneurs, approved by the National Education, comes to the classes to work on attention and confidence. With convincing results.
- See full article: Le Figaro, 01/03/2022, paywall
McKinsey: pour l’éducation nationale, conseils ou orientation ?
Le ministère de Blanquer a fait appel au cabinet de conseil américain en 2020 pour près d’un demi-million d’euros pour préparer un colloque qui n’a finalement jamais eu lieu. Une collaboration sur laquelle demeurent des zones d’ombre.
- Blanquer’s ministry appealed to the American consulting firm McKinsey in 2020 for nearly half a million euros to prepare a symposium that ultimately never took place. A collaboration on which gray areas remain.
- See full article: Libération, 31/03/2022
A Marseille, des enseignants demandent un plan d’urgence pour les collèges
Les équipes d’une quinzaine d’établissements majoritairement classés réseau d’éducation prioritaire enchaînent, chacune à leur tour, les grèves depuis le 14 mars pour dénoncer une baisse des dotations horaires. Mardi, une journée unitaire était organisée.
- Teachers of fifteen establishments in Marseille classified as priority education networks demand an emergency network plan for the collèges
- See full article: Le Monde, 30/03/2022, paywall
«Pas un terminale ne peut être serein»: les craintes des lycéens à quelques heures de la fin des vœux Parcoursup
Alors que les élèves de terminale ont jusqu’à ce mardi soir pour inscrire leurs vœux sur la plateforme d’admission dans le supérieur, nombre d’entre eux se disent «anxieux» et prêts à privilégier les filières privées pour éviter l’angoisse de la sélection sur Parcoursup.
- While final year students have until Tuesday evening to register their wishes on the higher education admissions platform, many of them say they are “anxious” and ready to favor private sectors to avoid the anxiety of the selection on Parcoursup.
- See full article: Libération, 29/03/2022
Tribune : François Germinet Cergy (Président de CY Cergy Paris Université, Président de la commission « formation et insertion professionnelle de France universités »)
« “All in” pour la formation de la jeunesse »
Dans une tribune au « Monde », le président de l’université de Cergy, François Germinet, plaide pour une refonte de grande ampleur des études supérieures, pour préparer les jeunes aux enjeux d’avenir, en particulier la crise climatique.
- In a commentary, François Germinet Cerg pleads for a significant overhaul of higher education and argues that young people must be prepared for the challenges of the future, in particular the climate crisis.
- See full article: Le Monde, 29/03/202, paywall
Tribune : Collectif
Développer l’accès aux sciences économiques et sociales pour tous les lycéens : « une urgence démocratique et intellectuelle »
Après la revalorisation des mathématiques dans le tronc commun du baccalauréat, des chercheurs et enseignants plaident pour un accès élargi aux « sciences économiques et sociales », une matière obligatoire seulement en seconde.
- Following the upgrading of mathematics in the core curriculum of the baccalaureate, researchers and teachers are calling for broader access to ‘economic and social sciences, which is a compulsory subject only in the second year.
- See full article: Le Monde, 29/03/202, paywall
« J’ai pris rendez-vous vendredi avec sa prof principale » : les abonnés au rattrapage parental
La saison des inscriptions sur Parcoursup et des conseils scolaires coïncide avec l’éclosion des « parents de printemps ». Confiants en hiver, ils s’alarment soudain et découvrent les difficultés de leurs enfants.
- After the winter, parents become alarmed and discover their children’s difficulties.
- See full article: Le Monde, 29/03/202, paywall
Zarah Bruhn zur Beauftragten für Soziale Innovationen ernannt
Bundesforschungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger hat heute die Gründerin und Unternehmerin Zarah Bruhn mit Wirkung zum 1. April 2022 zur neuen Beauftragten für Soziale Innovationen im Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) ernannt.
- Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger today appointed founder and entrepreneur Zarah Bruhn as the new Commissioner for Social Innovations at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with effect from April 1, 2022.
- Full press release: BMBF, 30/03/2022
KMK veröffentlicht Zahlen geflüchteter Kinder und Jugendlicher aus der Ukraine
In der 12. Kalenderwoche (21.03. – 27.03.2022) lässt sich zusammenfassend feststellen, dass deutschlandweit mindestens 20.205 geflüchtete Kinder und Jugendliche aus der Ukraine an den allgemeinbildenden und berufsbildenden Schulen aufgenommen worden sind und seitdem dort unterrichtet werden. Diese statistischen Informationen zu geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen aus der Ukraine werden nun in einem wöchentlichen Rhythmus auf der KMK-Website veröffentlicht.
- The KMK publishes figures on refugee children and young people from Ukraine. At least 20,205 refugee children and young people from Ukraine were admitted to general and vocational schools throughout Germany and have been taught there since then.
- Full press release: KMK, 30/03/2022
Stark-Watzinger: Kulturelle Bildung für Kinder leistet einen wertvollen Beitrag
27 Programmpartner für die dritte Phase des Förderprogramms „Kultur macht stark“ ausgewählt. Eine unabhängige Expertenjury hat 27 Programmpartner für die dritte Förderphase des Bundesprogramms „Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“ von 2023 bis 2027 ausgewählt. Die bundesweit tätigen Verbände, Vereine und Stiftungen sollen ab 2023 deutschlandweit Projekte der kulturellen Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche fördern, die ansonsten wenig Zugang zu solchen Angeboten haben.
- 27 program partners selected for the third phase of the “Culture makes you strong” funding program. An independent jury of experts chose 27 program partners for the third funding phase of the federal program “Culture makes you strong. Alliances for Education” from 2023 to 2027.
- Full press release: BMBF, 28/03/2022
Deutsche Schülerinnen und Schüler beginnen mit Pisa-Tests
Vor vier Jahren haben 15-jährige Schüler in Deutschland zum letzten mal Pisa-Tests absolviert. Jetzt ist es wieder soweit. Spannend wird sein, ob sich die Leistungen durch die Corona-Krise verschlechtert haben.
- German students start with Pisa tests.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 04/04/2022
“Wir erleben einen Braindrain an den Universitäten”
Viele Wissenschaftler hangeln sich von einer befristeten Stelle zur nächsten. Das mache Unis als Arbeitgeber unattraktiv, warnt der Initiator des #IchBinHanna-Protests.
- Universities are seen as an unattractive workplace for young people, leading to a brain-drain at universities.
- Full article: Zeit, 04/04/2022
Immer mehr Erstsemester studieren ohne Abitur
In Deutschland gibt es neben der allgemeinen Hochschulreife viele Wege zu einem Studium. Bei der Zulassung herrscht allerdings föderales Durcheinander. Die Zahl der Studierenden ohne Abitur hat sich in 20 Jahren vervierfacht: Heute sind es bereits 66.000, die etwa nach einer Ausbildung zum Studium zugelassen werden. Das sind zwar erst 2,2 Prozent aller Studierenden, doch der Trend weist nach oben: Bei den Erstsemestern liegt der Anteil schon über drei Prozent, zeigt eine Studie des Centrums für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE).
- The number of students without a high school diploma has quadrupled in 20 years: Today there are already 66,000 who are admitted to university after completing an apprenticeship. Although that is only 2.2 percent of all students, the trend is upwards: the proportion of freshmen is already over three percent.
- Full article: Handelsblatt, 29/03/2022
Fabiana Dadone: 217 milioni per il Servizio Civile Universale tramite i fondi della prima trance del PNRR
Sono on line i bandi per un totale di 217 milioni di euro per il Servizio Civile Universale tramite i fondi della prima trance del PNRR.
- Calls are online for a total of 217 million euros for the Universal Civil Service through the funds of the first tranche of the PNRR.
- See full article: Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, 1/04/2022
Piano di azione nazionale pluriennale 2021- 2025
In data 21 marzo 2022 è stata registrata dagli Organi di controllo la deliberazione del Consiglio dei Ministri recante il Piano di azione nazionale pluriennale per il quinquennio 2021-2025.
- On 21 March 2022, the resolution of the Council of Ministers containing the multi-year national action plan for the five-year period 2021-2025 was registered by the control bodies.
- See full article: Ministero dell’Istruzione, 30/03/2022
Fabiana Dadone: tavoli tecnici per il dialogo istituzionale tra Stato e Regioni.
Il Ministro per le politiche giovanili, Fabiana Dadone, il Presidente della Conferenza delle Regioni, Massimiliano Fedriga e gli assessori regionali della Commissione Politiche sociali della Conferenza delle Regioni, si incontrano per lavorare insieme in un rinnovato spirito di leale collaborazione attraverso l’istituzione di specifici Tavoli tecnici.
- The Minister for Youth Policies, Fabiana Dadone, the President of the Conference of Regions, Massimiliano Fedriga and the regional councilors of the Social Policies Commission of the Conference of Regions, meet to work together in a renewed spirit of loyal collaboration through the establishment of specific technical tables.
- See full article: Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, 30/03/2022
United Kingdom
Cash boost to transform colleges across England
Sixty-two further education colleges are to benefit from a share of more than £400 million to upgrade buildings and transform campuses. The cash boost will make sure even more people are supported to get the skills they need to get a good job, levelling up opportunity across the country.
- See full article: UK Department of Education, 04/04/2022
Strong signs of recovery across education, but challenges remain
Ofsted has today published the second set of reports in a series looking at the pandemic’s continued impact on education providers.
- See full article: UK Department of Education, 04/04/2022
How businesses can improve diversity and inclusion by engaging with young people
During National Careers Week last month, The Student<>Employer Network launched a report, ‘Connecting employers to students: a practical guide for engaging young people with the world of work’ to help UK businesses reach out to engage students and young people with meaningful work opportunities.
- See full article: FE News, 04/04/2022
Zahawi’s English schools white paper leaves many in sector underwhelmed
Nadhim Zahawi is a minister with a reputation for getting things done, thanks in large part to his involvement in the rollout of the Covid vaccine programme. But the education secretary’s long-awaited schools’ white paper, published on Monday after months of speculation, left many in the sector feeling underwhelmed.
- See full article: The Guardian, 28/03/2022
Schools White Paper: Nadhim Zahawi says he wants to bring ‘competence’ to DfE as new education plans launch
The Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi has said he wants to break with his predecessors by bringing “operational competence” to the Department for Education as he unveiled a new blueprint for schools in England.
- See full article: I News, 28/03/2022
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