Future of Europe: First debate on Conference proposals wraps up
The Conference on the Future of Europe is in its final phase, following last weekend’s exchanges on preliminary draft proposals on all themes. The Plenary and the nine Working Groups started working on the Conference’s final proposals at a meeting held on 25-26 March in the European Parliament in Strasbourg with some participating online.
- See full article: European Parliament, 28/03/2022
Ukraine: EU support to help Member States meet the needs of refugees
Beyond the immediate support provided in terms of assistance at the border, reception and civil protection, the EU is today taking further steps to help Member States ensure beneficiaries can effectively access their right to education, healthcare, accommodation and jobs – hallmarks of the European way of life.
- See full article: European Commission, 25/03/2022
European Education Area Reveals Top 10 Most Unique Study Programs in Europe
Europe is one of the best destinations for students who haven’t decided where and what they want to study, provided that the 27-nation-bloc has different universities, rich study programs, and diverse campuses.
- See full article: Erudera, 28/03/2022
Le ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports a présenté un point sur les réformes dont le ministère est chargé.
- The Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports presented an update on the reforms for which the ministry is responsible.
- See full article: Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sport, 23/03/2022
Orientation: une transition entre le lycée et l’université en forme de bizutage
Une partie de l’échec en première année à l’université est due au manque de préparation des lycéens au passage dans l’enseignement supérieur, en l’absence de politique coordonnée à l’échelle nationale.
- In the absence of a coordinated policy at the national level, many high school students are ill-prepared for their first year at university.
- See full article: Le Monde, 28/03/2022, paywall
Des enseignants « dans le flou » de la campagne présidentielle
A moins de trois semaines du premier tour, et quelques jours après l’exposé par le président candidat d’un « nouveau pacte » à leur intention, nombre d’enseignants font part de leurs doutes quant au bulletin à glisser dans l’urne, le 10 avril.
- Less than three weeks before the first round of the presidential election, many teachers express their doubts about the candidates.
- See full article: Le Monde, 23/03/2022, paywall
A Marseille, les « écoles du futur » d’Emmanuel Macron se mettent en place
Cinquante-neuf écoles participent à cette expérimentation qui doit conférer plus de libertés aux équipes pédagogiques.
Il en a fait son laboratoire. En septembre 2021, à Marseille, Emmanuel Macron créait la surprise en évoquant, lors de l’annonce de sa stratégie « Marseille en grand » pour la ville, le lancement de projets pour une « école du futur », afin de donner plus de libertés et d’autonomie aux équipes pédagogiques et à leurs directeurs.
- Fifty-nine schools participate in Emmanuel Macron’s “schools of the future” in Marseille.
- See full article: Le Monde, 23/03/2022, paywall
Election présidentielle 2022: «Macron et les profs, un débat escamoté»
En proposant un «donnant-donnant» aux enseignants, Emmanuel Macron a déclenché un tollé. Or, pour réduire les inégalités sociales, une vaste remise à plat du système éducatif s’avère nécessaire, et ce projet devrait pouvoir être débattu sereinement, analyse Philippe Bernard, éditorialiste au « Monde », dans sa chronique.
- Philippe Bernard, editorialist at “Le Monde”, argues that reduce social inequalities, a vast overhaul of the education system is necessary.
- See full article: Le Monde, 27/02/2022, paywall
LA VÉRIFICATION – Les professeurs travaillent-ils 42 heures par semaine ?
C’est ce qu’a déclaré Yannick Jadot. En revenant sur le travail «invisible» des enseignants, le candidat écologiste vise le projet éducatif d’Emmanuel Macron. «Il n’est pas question d’augmenter la charge de travail des enseignants. Ils sont déjà à 42 heures par semaine», a affirmé le candidat écologiste Yannick Jadot, le 22 mars sur France Inter, fustigeant le projet d’Emmanuel Macron.
- Fact-Check – Do teachers work 42 hours a week as the Green Party’s candidate Yannik Jadot claims?
- See full article: Le Figaro, 24/03/2022
Notre palmarès des 80 meilleurs lycées publics et privés de France
L’absence des épreuves de spécialité, annulées en 2021 en raison du Covid, n’a pas freiné la montée des établissements privés dans notre palmarès, qui prend en compte la capacité à faire progresser les élèves.
- Le Figaro’s list of the 80 best public and private high schools in France
- See full article: Le Figaro, 23/03/2022
Yannick Jadot tend une main prometteuse aux profs
Le candidat écologiste dit vouloir «engager un grand projet de réconciliation autour de l’école». Il promet pour cela des créations de postes, des hausses de salaire et davantage de moyens pour les établissements qui jouent le jeu de la mixité sociale, tout en proposant plus d’enseignements pratiques et une évolution des rythmes scolaires.
- The Green Party’s candidate Yannik Jadot promises to “start a major reconciliation project around schools”, including job creation, salary increases and more resources for facilities.
- See full article: Libération, 21/03/2022
Lycée professionnel: Macron et Mélenchon, deux visions pour une filière
Les candidats de LREM et LFI font de la voie professionnelle un axe important de leur projet pour l’éducation. C’est inédit tant le sujet, qui concerne pourtant un tiers des lycéens, ne déchaîne habituellement pas les passions. Mais entre le penchant libéral de l’un et plus égalitaire de l’autre, il y a un monde.
- Vocational high schools : The visions of Emmanuel Macron (LREM) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI).
- See full article: Libération, 27/03/2022
Gymnasiallehrkräfte fordern Nachtragshaushalt für Bildung
Der Philologenverband fordert einen Nachtragshaushalt für die Bildung. Dieser solle noch vor der Sommerpause des Parlaments verabschiedet werden, sagte der Vorsitzende des Niedersächsischen Philologenverbandes (PHVN), Christoph Rabbow. Durch die Kombination von Corona-Folgen und der künftigen Beschulung von Kriegsflüchtlingen aus der Ukraine stehe das System Schule kurz vor dem Kollaps.
- The association of philologists calls for a supplementary budget for education. This should be passed before the parliament’s summer break, said the chairman of the Lower Saxony Philologists’ Association (PHVN), Christoph Rabbow.
- Full article: Welt 28/03/2022
Studienplatz über den Berufsweg
Die Zahl der Studierenden ohne Hochschul- und Fachhochschulreife ist 2020 gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 2060 Personen auf nun rund 66.000 gewachsen. Das entspricht nach einer am Montag veröffentlichten Auswertung des Centrums für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) einem Anteil von 2,2 Prozent an der gesamten Studierendenschaft in Deutschland. Wie langsam sich die Bildungsbiografien über den Berufsweg ändern, zeigt ein Blick auf die Zahlen des Jahres 2002.
- In 2020, the number of students without a university or technical college entrance qualification increased by 2,060 to around 66,000 compared to the previous year.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung 28/03/2022
Weniger Schülerinnen und Schüler an berufsbildenden Schulen
Rund 44.500 Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen im laufenden Schuljahr 2021/2022 an den berufsbildenden Schulen in Sachsen-Anhalt. Das sind 600 oder 1,3 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr, wie das Statistische Landesamt am Montag in Halle mitteilte. Demnach besuchen 59,5 Prozent aller Jugendlichen an den berufsbildenden Schulen die Teilzeitberufsschulen, an denen sie den theoretischen Teil der dualen Berufsausbildung absolvieren. 40,5 Prozent absolvieren die berufsbildenden Vollzeitschulen.
- Fewer students enrol at vocational schools in comparison to last year.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung 28/03/2022
Erfolg durch die Drehtür
Hunderttausende Kinder und Jugendliche aus der Ukraine sollen in das deutsche Schulsystem integriert werden – aber gleichzeitig auch weiter in ihrer Muttersprache lernen. Ein Modell, wie das funktionieren soll, gibt es bereits, sagt der Bildungsexperte Dirk Zorn. Unzählige Ukrainer flüchten nach Deutschland, darunter viele Kinder und Jugendliche. Zum zweiten Mal innerhalb weniger Jahre steht unser Bildungssystem vor der Aufgabe, Hunderttausende Schülerinnen und Schüler aufzunehmen.
- Hundreds of thousands of children and young people from Ukraine are to be integrated into the German school system – but at the same time continue to learn in their mother tongue. There is already a model of how this should work, says education expert Dirk Zorn.
- Full article: Zeit 26/03/2022
Hubertus Heil fordert rasche Anerkennung ukrainischer Berufsabschlüsse
Der Bundesarbeitsminister will Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine schnell in den Arbeitsmarkt integrieren. Auch der Unterricht für ukrainische Schüler wird zur Herausforderung. Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil (SPD) drängt auf eine schnellere Anerkennung von Berufsabschlüssen, um Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine rasch in den Arbeitsmarkt integrieren zu können. “Es kommen vermutlich auch sehr viele sehr gut ausgebildete Menschen”, sagte er dem RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. Darunter seien auch Pflegekräfte, Ingenieure, Ärztinnen und Erzieherinnen.
- The Federal Minister of Labor wants to quickly integrate refugees from Ukraine into the labour market.
- Full article: Zeit 25/03/2022
Goethe-Institut: Nachfrage nach Deutschkursen für Ukrainer
Das Goethe-Institut registriert eine enorme Nachfrage nach Deutschkursen für Ukrainer. Nachdem vergangene Woche das Angebot an neuen Kursen für knapp 1800 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer binnen 48 Stunden ausgebucht war, sollen voraussichtlich Mitte April weitere folgen, wie eine Sprecherin des Instituts in München sagte. Aufgrund des Krieges in der Ukraine und der Flucht vieler Ukrainer aus dem von Russland angegriffenen Land gebe es die Sprachkurse zu einem symbolischen Preis von 7 Hrywnja (0,25 Euro).
- The Goethe-Institut registers an enormous demand for German courses for Ukrainians. After the range of new courses for almost 1800 participants was fully booked within 48 hours last week, more are expected to follow in mid-April.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung 25/03/2022
Oggi all’Ara Pacis è avvenuto il lancio delle iniziative in occasione dell’Anno Europeo dei Giovani, alla presenza della Commissaria europea per l’Innovazione, la Ricerca, la Cultura, l’Istruzione e la Gioventù, Mariya Gabriel e il Sindaco di Tirana, Capitale european.
- On 24th March the Ara Pacis the launch of the initiatives on the occasion of the European Year of Youth took place in the presence of the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel and the Mayor of Tirana, European capital.
- See full article: Minister for Youth Policies, 24/03/2022
Sostenibilità, ambiente, innovazione: oltre 100 i progetti caricati su IDEArium, la prima piattaforma di crowdfunding dedicata alle scuole e lanciata dal Ministero dell’Istruzione
Una radio scolastica, un’aula all’aperto per fare didattica in modo innovativo, la realizzazione di una nuova area sportiva. Sono alcuni dei progetti, oltre 100, che le scuole italiane hanno caricato su IDEArium il primo portale di crowdfunding dedicato agli istituti scolastici e lanciato dal Ministero dell’Istruzione per la raccolta di idee, iniziative, attività che gli istituti intendono realizzare, anche con la collaborazione di finanziatori esterni.
- Sustainability, environment, innovation: over 100 projects uploaded to IDEArium, the first crowdfunding platform dedicated to schools and launched by the Ministry of Education.
- See full article: Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Ministry of Education, 25/03/2022
Concorso scuola, la rivolta dei prof contro l’esame a crocette: “Quella prova sembra un quiz tv”
Migliaia di candidati non sono riusciti a superare la prima selezione per salire in cattedra a medie e superiori. In alcune regioni respinti 8 su 10.
- Thousands of candidates failed to pass the first selection to rise to the professorship in junior high and high school. In some regions 8 out of 10 rejected.
- See full article: La Repubblica, 27/03/2022
Da Cagliari a Udine a Milano e Roma, viaggio tra questionari ed esami che aprono le porte agli studenti dopo le scuole superiori
L’ingresso negli Atenei è ormai una corsa a ostacoli, una giungla in cui districarsi. Un caso il Politecnico di Milano che permette di iscriversi ai propri corsi già al quarto anno delle superiori. “Siamo stati primi a farlo, in questo modo reclutiamo gente motivata”
- Entering the universities is now an obstacle course, a jungle in which to extricate oneself. One case is the Politecnico di Milano which allows students to enroll in their courses as early as the fourth year of high school. “We were the first to do it, in this way we recruit motivated people”
- See full article: La Repubblica, 21/03/2022
Tanto inglese, e-learning e sei nuovi corsi: la ricca offerta l’Università di Cagliari
Obiettivo dell’Ateneo: mantenere un’offerta didattica diversificata e multidisciplinare utilizzando metodologie e tecnologie innovative
- Many English, e-learning and six new courses: the rich offer of the University of Cagliari.
- See full article: La Repubblica, 21/03/2022
United Kingdom
Schools White Paper delivers real action to level up education
Schools White Paper, Opportunity for All, sets out plans to make sure every child can reach the full height of their potential.
- See full article: UK Department of Education, 28/03/2022
McIlveen announces extra £7.6M for Engage II programme
Education Minister, Michelle McIlveen has today announced a further £7.6m for the Engage II programme to support children and young people’s learning for the remainder of this academic year.
- See full article: Northern Ireland Department of Education, 26/03/2022
Global Online Academic English Learning Platform Market 2022 SWOT Study, Sales Analysis, Technological Innovations and Competitive Landscape to 2028
A comprehensive study on Global Online Academic English Learning Platform Market from 2022 to 2028 is announced by It highlights the market size and CAGR for all the segments and sub-segments included in the Online Academic English Learning Platform market. It provides market intelligence for Online Academic English Learning Platform industry in terms of innovations, developments, product launches, partnerships, exclusive distribution agreement, and others.
- See full article: Business Merseyside, 28/03/2022
Addressing digital inequity in education.
When academic institutions were forced to close overnight in March 2020, teachers and faculty members had to completely transform their methods of teaching as they shifted their classrooms entirely online. While the pandemic accelerated the much-needed digitisation of learning for schools up and down the country, it also highlighted a rife digital inequity, with many pupils lacking the necessary devices and robust internet access to support remote learning.
- See full article: FENews, 28/03/2022
Remote education is here to stay – optimising the home learning environment
According to Statista, the global online e-learning market was valued at $101 billion in 2019 and is forecast to hit $370 billion by 2026. Closer to home, 13 per cent of British people used an online course in 2020, and despite lockdowns catalysing the trend of remote learning, this was already the direction of travel for a whole host of people seeking better value, flexibility and experiences through distance learning.
- See full article: FENews, 28/03/2022
Teach pupils the benefits of the British Empire, says Nadhim Zahawi
Pupils should be taught about the benefits of the British Empire, the education secretary has said. Nadhim Zahawi cited the pre-Saddam Hussein Iraqi civil service as “the sort of thing children should be learning about” as he insisted that teachers should leave their political views outside the classroom.
- See full article: The Times, 28/03/2022, paywall
SERC Secure Funding for IDEAS Project
South Eastern Regional College (SERC) has secured funding to the tune of €276k for an Erasmus+ two-year transnational project. Elaine McKeown, Senior International Development Manager said, “Helping to develop a high-performing digital educational environment in tandem with digitally competent and confident teachers is the foundation of the IDEAS project.
- See full article: FENews, 25/03/2022
English language testing providers pull out of Russia
English language testing providers have said they are pausing operations in Russia as a result of the invasion of Ukraine. One emphasised that the actions against Ukraine are “antithetical” to global learning and cultural exchange, and what international education stands for.
- See full article: The Pie News, 23/03/2022